You're 3 Today

2015 June 13

Created by Leo's Mummy 8 years ago
I will always wonder who you would have been. Would you be the calm to your brother's wild. Would you like Peppa as much as he does. Would you eat us out of house and home like your brother and sister. How much would you have doted on your baby sister. 

I've never seen a face as beautiful and perfect as yours. What would that face look like at 3 years old? Would you still have your blonde curly hair? Would you still be my double or would we see some of your dad in you?

I never got to hear you cry. I wonder what things you would be saying to us now, as a big boy of 3. I wonder what little conversations would be like between you and your little brother and sister. I know they would have looked up to you and copied everything you did. I wish I could see that.

I wish I could see you play, hear you laugh and touch you again.

If I could go back and relive your birthday again I would. It was the most precious day of my life and I'd do it all again just to hold you once more.

I know you're always near. I feel you with us all the time. You're the centre of our world and I love you so much Son, I really do.

Happy Birthday x