My Daughter

Created by mcgowan marie1 12 years ago
My daughter tells a lot of lies, she never did before, but from now until she dies she'll tell a whole lot more. Ask my daughter how she is and because she can't explain, she will tell a little lie because she can't describe the pain. Ask my daughter how she is, she'll say, "I'm alright" If that's the truth then tell me, why does she cry each night? Ask my daughter how she is she seems to cope so well, she doesn't have a choice you see, she's going through a hell. Ask my daughter how she is, "I'm fine, I'm well, I'm coping", She'll lie and not just tell the truth, and say her heart is broken. You think that silence is kind but it hurts her even more. She wants to talk about her son who has gone through heaven’s door. Because she knows how hard it is to hold a baby who doesn’t cry Because she knows how hard it is to tell that baby Goodbye She will get better, slow but sure – and it helps to have friends near. But a simple “I’m sorry you lost your son” is all she needs to hear. So if she lies, don't listen, just hug her and hold her near.