I will always be your mother

2012 July 31

Created by Leo's Mummy 12 years ago
I will always be your mother You will always be my son The bond that you and I share my baby Is a truly unbreakable one I changed the day that you were born I’ll never be the same I’m a mother now you see And my outlook on life has changed Who knows if I’m a better person Than who I was before? Either way, she’s gone for good Of that I’m pretty sure My son my heart aches for you I long to hold you in my arms This pain will never leave me But there’s a way that I can feel calm I just close my eyes and see you Dance across the sky Playing with the angels In the place where there’s no night At every family party Every special toast Christmas, birthdays, mothers’ day That’s when I’ll miss you most Even though we’ve faced the hardest fate Any family can endure Although inside my heart just breaks Of one thing I am sure Until my journey here is through And my life on Earth is done I will always be your mother You will always be my son.